Hacking bathroom scales with an Arduino – PCB

Bare scales PCB
Bare scales PCB

A few weeks ago, I started work on internet connected bathroom scales, and I finally received my custom PCB’s to finish the job. I discovered that most digital scales use strain gauges to calculate the amount of weight on them, meaning there is almost no mechanical movement making them perfect to interface with.

The set of scales that I purchased handily had the Wheatstone bridge markings on the PCB silkscreen, which made connecting up the ADC nice and easy. Continue reading Hacking bathroom scales with an Arduino – PCB

Hacking bathroom scales with an Arduino – the easy way


For a while I’ve wanted to connect some scales to my home network to track weight day by day automatically. Its great having scales, but unless you can remember or write down the previous readings, its pretty useless if you’re looking to track performance. So I set about figuring out a way of getting an accurate reading from a set of cheap bathroom scales with an Arduino.

Continue reading Hacking bathroom scales with an Arduino – the easy way

Making a radio controlled tank – Part 3 – IMU

Having some  experience with quadcopters, they all use something called an IMU – inertial measurement unit – which gives you the pitch, roll and yaw of the craft. These two values are generated by a gyroscope and accelerometer working together cancelling out each others possible errors. Additional measurements are normally available, a compass for direction and a barometer for altitude readings. With a GPS, the compass (magnometer) allows you to plot a course and have the vehicle follow waypoints; sounds like its worth a look.

An IMU board is now pretty cheap to get your hands on, in fact you can get a complete quadcopter ‘brain’ for $35 here, which contains an Atmel ATMEGA2560, with all of the above sensors ready to use. For my boards, a pre-made I2C board would be ideal which is exactly what I found; the GY-80.

Continue reading Making a radio controlled tank – Part 3 – IMU